Trash Collection
You can expect prompt and consistent trash pickup as part of our community’s provided services. FCC Environmental Services (FCC) (877) 642-3702 . Trash & Recycling - Tuesday - Yard and Bulk - will be the second Tuesday of the month.
Internet, Telephone & Cable
Several providers in our area offer a variety of options for reliable, high-speed internet and telephone. We encourage you to evaluate each of these options to find the service that’s right for you.
What does the association fees include?
Monthly fees cover landscape and maintenance including mowing, fertilizing, trimming and pruning trees and bushes, annual mulch, irrigation, replacing deceased vegetation. Furthermore, your fees pay for, gate access, common area maintenance, amenity center upkeep and insurance, Lifestyle Director, Property Manager, administration services, and any repairs or improvements necessary to the community. Fees are abated/adjusted to account for amenities not yet available.